Whole foods can make a whole sandwich. Or not.

I don’t normally make a habit out of going into whole foods, but every once in a while I will make a trip there. I always walk by the deli counter and think about getting a sandwich. There is always that lady standing right in front of the counter selling sandwiches by the pound. While the idea of serving sandwiches by the pound intrigues me, I think it sort of screams laziness.

I am probably one of the laziest people out there (as can be seen by the quality of my posts recently) but I think if you are going to be selling sandwiches as gourmet you can’t also be selling them as pre-made… Does anyone else see the issue I have with this?

So I leave the sandwich by the pound lady who is very nice, and take a look at the menu. I have not had a sandwich on focaccia in a while so that was my first decision. Then I decide on the meat… Roast beef wasn’t calling my name because I wanted to load up the veggies and I think that Rb works better with a simpler sandwich mist of the time. I went with the turkey…and loaded up with layers of veggies and sauces.

First came the sundried aioli. Then a layer of caramelized onions and roasted red peppers. Then the turkey, the thousand island dressing and the lettuce and tomato. I didn’t see them make it, but they did ask if I wanted it toasted. At first I wasn’t going to but decided it could only help.


So I get my sandwich and get rung up. The girl at the counter asked me if I had a sandwich punch card. Five sandwiches and you get the sixth free. Not a bad deal. $7 for a decent size sandwich is not that bad. What is bad is having to deal with the crappiest parking lots in history. Every whole foods has terribly designed parking lots…

Anyway, back to the sandwich… It was a little sloppy. I like sandwiches because you can pick them up and not need to worry about dropping things in your lap. Not so much with this slippery little sucker. Tasty, but messy.

Whole Foods
Overall sandwich rating: B°c
Presentation: A-
Structure: B
Flavors: A

Non – sandwich related:
Atmosphere: B-
Service: B
Price: B


This is a sandwich I had a month ago…. it was from D’Deli. It was very yummy, but my stomach was bothering me a little bit. I was hoping that the curry would help me out, and the honey would as well, but the relief was temporary…

It had honey, curry aioli, olive tapanade, fried onions, garlic, turkey, pickled ginger, cilantro, basil, and sprouts


It was kind of a mess, and I wasn’t sure about the curry and the olive tapanade together, but they were on different sides…. the cilantro and ginger balanced it out between the flavors. Not really sure I would get it again, but I don’t know if I just wasn’t feeling it because of the stomach bug or because it was sort of flavor overload…. Maybe I will go back and order it again, just to see… maybe add in some mushrooms and some mixed greens? or take out the tapanade…. i dunno….

Overall Sandwich Rating: B+
Presentation: B+
Structure: A
Flavors: B+ (I think there may have been too many)

Non-Sandwich Related:
Atmosphere: A+
Service: A+
Price: A+

This Hobo Sandwich should get out of the gutter

I like a good cheesesteak without the cheese and I like grilled peppers and onions. I like to have a sandwich au jus, and I like a good sub roll. Mixed together, they should be tasty, with the steak being a little spicy, the peppers and onions being crisp, and the roll being soft but not falling apart.
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